Tuesday, November 24, 2015

the eye

so what? you're a hurricane
bring on the rain; life's not a perfect frame,
it's a beautiful mess. i've gotta confess-
this world is not what it seemed, when i was
fourteen. it's a lot bigger and smaller and wider and taller
and these dreams that i had, couldn't begin to conceive
what i would find when i got here.
i didn't know back then, the difference between
love and sin, the strange ways of the world
the brave and the strong, cowering beneath
these expectations. and the hope that rain brings
when the sun shines again, it couldn't have been
without these wet stones. the piles of mud
upon your wet feet, show just how far you've come-
your life's a disaster? this world won't set you in plaster
it will beat you and stone you and leave you to bleed
but that doesn't mean you.give.up.
it means you stand up tall and fight back,
you handle your setbacks and start a new dream.
your now is your prime, it's the perfect time: start something new,
seize this new day, life's already happening,
will you go
or will you stay?